Who We Are
Multiethnic Worship Community / Christian Discipleship / Postoral Shepherding
Bassendean Presbyterian Church (BPC) was established in 1907 and has grown with Perth.
Bassendean Presbyterian Church (BPC) was established in 1907 and has grown with Perth. We exist to glorify God by worshipping Him through His Son, Jesus Christ, in spirit and truth and doing all things for His glory.
BPC is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church of Australia (PCA), founded in 1901, which embraces the teachings of historic, orthodox Christianity in the great biblical and evangelical tradition of the Protestant Reformation.
BPC is a community of Christians of all ages, from different backgrounds and cultures, worshipping together and united in the belief that the Bible is the Word of God, and that its teachings have enduring relevance in today’s world. Life-line International Presbyterian Church (Korean) came and combined into BPC in 2011.And the Nuer(Sudanese) congregation came and combined with BPC in 2020. The three became one church enjoying the sweetness of the unity of a multinational Christian community.
BPC believes in Jesus Christ. More specifically we are a protestant Christian denomination who are evangelical in practice, reformed in theology, Presbyterianin governance and mission minded.
In our service
- we sing and pray together
- listen to the Bible being taught and preached
- understand that the Bible is important as it tells us
- we must believe about God and what He requires of us